Leadership and intercultural project management

Leadership Interkulturelles Management

KeSch trainer is expert for Leadership and intercultural project management. She completed a study programme in Business Management (Catholic University of Argentina). She worked as a consultant in a consultant company, and after that as a project manager for an international IT company. Then she worked for many years as CFO-director global financial systems. Lateron she was international project manager in a global pharmaceutics company.


Since 2010 she has been working as a trainer, consultant and coach with the focus on Leadership and intercultural project management. She is expert for  leadership and international teambuilding, mentoring and coaching. She trains project management and change management, intercultural management and employee development.

In addition to an education as a trainer, certified coach and project manager, KeSch trainer completed numerous training courses in methodology and didactics.


KeSch trainer coaches, consults and trains in Spanish, English and German.

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