Purchasing Training Brazil and South America

KeSch Trainerin für Einkaufstraining Brasilien und Südamerika

The KeSch Trainer for Purchasing Training Brazil and South America has a Master in Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Portugal and Technische Hochschule Darmstadt) and a Management degree from INSEAD Fountainebleau. She worked for 9 years as Logistics Coordinator, later as Logitics Manager and finally as Supply Chain Manager in the plastics industry. She then worked for another 3 years as Director Purchasing for an automotive supplier .

Since 2009 she has been working as a trainer, consultant and coach with a focus on purchasing training in Brazil and South America, international purchasing strategies and supply chain management, negotiation management and international negotiation training, leadership training and team building in purchasing, change management in logistics, production and purchasing.

In addition to her training as an international trainer and coach, the KeSch trainer also has training as a corporate coach and certified training for DISC, MBTI, Eqi 360, ISI, Firo B as well as numerous methodological and didactic further training courses for training, consulting and coaching.

The KeSch trainer coaches, advises and trains in Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and English.

The KeSch trainer has life and work experience in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, UK, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica and the USA.

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