Procurement and salestraining Turkey

KeSch Trainerin für Vertrieb und Einkauf in der Türkei

KeSch trainer is expert in Procurement and salestraining Turkey. She has a degree in Germanistics and German Literature (University of Istanbul) and an education in banking. Initially, she worked at a Turkish bank for two years and subsequently as HR Manager for Turkey with a truck manufacturer and international DIY sales chain for six years. She later worked as head of HR for Turkey and Russia at a construction company for seven years. Susequently, she worked with a food manufacturer. Lateron she was HR Manager for Black Sea and East Sub Region with an automotive supplier for five years.


Since 2012, she has worked as a trainer, consultant and coach specialized in Procurement and salestraining Turkey, negotiation and sales training. She is expert in sales coaching and team training, interactions with Turkish negotiation partners and conflict management. She trains in Intercultural management Turkey and Black Sea.

Her qualifications to perform training, consulting and coaching as KeSch trainer include an education in HR, a certified education for a coach. She has a certified education as management trainer, as well as numerous methodological and didactic training programmes.

Training languages:

KeSch trainer coaches, consults and trains in Turkish, German and English.


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