International sales presentation and self-management

Verkaufspraesentation Selbstmanagement

KeSch trainer is expert for International sales presentation and self-management. She completed a study programme in Psychology (University Frankfurt). She worked for many years as head of sales and export in ceramic industry in Italy. After that she was team leader and trainer in a leading educational institute for trainers, facilitators and presenters.


Since 2006 she has been working as a trainer and coach with the focus on International sales presentation and self-management. She expert for  international presentation training and sales training, facilitation training, self-management and meetings management. She trains  international training for young managers and development of German-Italian teams.

KeSch trainer has completed an education as a trainer and facilitator, a training as an integral business coach and a training in kinesiology and systemic structural constellations.


KeSch trainer coaches and consults in Italian and German.

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